Agronomy Transfer Major AS Iowa Central
Career Options / Agronomy

Agronomy, AAS

Agronomy is the science and technology of producing plants that serve humans, using practices essential for maintaining and improving life. The agronomy program prepares students with skills such as crop production and soil management, yield forecasting, precision farming, agricultural agronomy business, environmental and natural resource management, and farm management. In addition, students will receive practical experience with some of the largest agricultural businesses in the Midwest. The college farm also provides the resources for students to apply many farm management skills.  Upon the completion of this Associate of Applied Sciences program, students may seek full-time employment in the seed, fertilizer, and agricultural chemical industries as field agronomists, precision equipment technician, crop and soil management specialists, research technicians, sales and marketing specialists, production managers, integrated pest management, and in other science-based professional positions.

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Iowa Central has given me the opportunity to learn the game (basketball), and play at the highest level.

Ayris Abdelnassar
Physical Therapy
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